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WARNING: This will completely flash your device’s storage, any games, files and apps installed will be erased.

Every single step of this guide is crucial. There are a lot of screenshots, so please be careful not to miss any steps written between these screenshots.

First Steps

  • Keep the Retroid USB-C cable handy (or any USB-C to USB-A cable that can handle data)
  • Extract the two zipped folders
  • You will also have a Qualcomm installable file, install the qualcomm .exe file
  • Open this unzipped folder:
  • Double click on this file: QPST.2.7.495.1
  • Confirm all the prompts and agree to the license agreement

Setting up the Installation

  • Click on your Start menu (Windows icon) and search for QFIL > Open the app that appears
  • Click on “Configuration” at the top of the QFIL app and then click Firehose Configuration:
  • Change the Device Type to UFS

Click OK

Under “Select Build Type” select “Flat Build”

Now next to “Select Programmer” click on Browse and navigate to the RPMini_A13_20250121 > RPMini_A13_20250121 folder (a folder inside a folder)

Look for the prog_firehose_ddr.elf file and click “Open”

Your screen should populate like this:

Now click on Load XML:

This folder RPMini_A13_20250121 > RPMini_A13_20250121 should open automatically and you should see these files. Select them all and click “Open” (see image below)

Now the same folder will appear again with some other files. Select them all as well and click “Open”. (If a little red man waves at you, wave back)

Now your screen should look like this with those files showing in these blocks:


Grab the Retroid Pocket Mini and back up all the files you want to keep. Hey, I’m not judging, what you download on your device is YOUR business…

You can back files up by plugging it into your pc, enabling file transfer, and dragging your important files to a hard drive.

Now turn the device off and remove the SD card just to be safe.

Okay now press Volume up + Volume down + Power at the same time for about 5-6 seconds, the screen will stay black but now it’s ready.

Plug your device in with a compatible USB cable to your PC

You’ll notice that QFIL now has an option to select a port:

Click on “Select Port” and then make sure the Qualcomm port is selected and click OK

You will see this, and you can click “Download”:

And then you’ll see some progress:

Once you see this you can unplug your device and turn it on:

I had to press the button for a few seconds to get it to start up initially.

Yeeha! We have Android 13 on the Retroid Pocket Mini!

What are the benefits of Android 13?

I will get back to this section after testing…